
Get Real! The Myth of the Authentic Self

From the category Five Minute Articles For Your Consideration

Lera Lynn, whose slow raspy voice evokes an undeniable sense of sorrow, sings, Lately I’m not feeling like myself/when I look into the glass I see someone else/I hardly recognize this face I wear/when I stare into her eyes I see no one there. The emptiness of the song’s lyrics represents today’s lack of Authenticity that many people are confronting. Listening to the song I was reminded of a Gestalt therapy workshop I attended in 1977. Irv Polster was working with a group member who was trying to come to terms with her life. She felt lost, no longer able to identify with her current situation, no longer able to recognize herself in the mirror. She cried out, “I’m not myself.” Continue Reading


Political Karma: Why the Election of Donald Trump is Important to You

From the category Five Minute Articles For Your Consideration

Now that Donald Trump has won the election, and we’ve all had a chance to digest the outcome, I would like to offer a perspective you don’t often hear about in the media; it includes looking at the election through a karmic lens to help balance out the enormous release of emotion after a very long, tiring and highly contentious election cycle. Continue Reading


Naïve Realism: Bias and Betrayal in Everyday Life

From the category Five Minute Articles For Your Consideration

A good example of Naïve Realism occurs in an episode of Seinfeld where Elaine is convinced by her latest boyfriend, Blaine, to see the film “The English Patient”. She’d rather not but the movie she wants to see is sold out. Upon exiting the movie Elaine emphatically says, God, that movie stunk! Continue Reading


The Healing Capacity of Empathic Curiosity in Medicine

From the category Five Minute Articles For Your Consideration

Medicine is a plurality of science and humanitarian principles measured by scientific research. Unfortunately, there is very little scientific research on the effects of our humanity on medical outcomes. Since the idea of empathy in medicine is vague and open to interpretation, the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy was established to create an objective rating scale of physician empathy. The scale, however, tries to reduce “empathy” to a research variable, which is like trying to measure self-esteem with a thermometer. Continue Reading


New Instagram Account

From the category Fast Facts

I’m pleased to say that this picture of mine recently appeared twice on Live! with Kelly and Michael to showcase the beauty of San Diego. If you would like to see more of my photos you can follow me on Instagram @solidlightphoto


The Greatest Aphrodisiac of All…Wait for it…

From the category Five Minute Articles For Your Consideration

The only reason to read the rest of the article is because you are anticipating the answer, right? Continue Reading


The One-Minute Mentor

From the category Five Minute Articles For Your Consideration

The Mentor-Mentee relationship serves a very specific purpose for each of us, which is why we have so few of them in our lifetime. Being able to recognize our mentors is crucial, as they advance knowledge and wisdom from one generation to the next. They help us create outcomes that we can visualize but cannot readily produce on our own. The relationship between a mentor and mentee is highly interactive, engaging and collaborative. In the words of Ben Franklin, “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Continue Reading