Everyday Mysticism: Part I

Exploring the Mystical Advantage of Unity
Mysticism isn’t as farfetched as you think. Although it often seems shrouded in ancient rituals that are reserved for the initiated, symbols of mysticism surround every one of us, every day. We often think of mystical experiences as being otherworldly and not related to everyday life, when in fact, they actually define our daily lives.
Let’s begin with the most simple mystical principle there is; Unity. Simply stated, Unity means that everything is connected to everything else because existence is, and always has been, a function of the Whole. By playing a little mental game called Infinite Regression we can see how this principle works. Simply go back through your family tree as far as you possibly can. As you get five generations back your ancestors are probably in a different part of the country and the world is less densely populated. Imagine going five generations beyond that. As you regress back in time the population gets smaller and smaller until you begin to see how Six Degrees of Separation can actually work. Whether we believe in Evolution, the Big Bang, or Creationism, at some point we all meet up at an inevitable point of Unity.
Next, consider geometry. The geometric representation of Unity is the circle. There are no blemishes to a circle, everything is complete and in perfect balance within itself. In fact, balance is what we all strive for, isn’t it? We desperately want, and physically need, to have balance in our lives. We invest our time and energy doing yoga, meditating, eating correctly, and exercising just so we can achieve the balance and harmony so effortlessly represented by the circle. Not surprisingly, many people report that they achieve a sense of connection with the larger Whole through these activities. It’s not uncommon to hear how much more grounded, centered, in-touch and healthy people feel after pursuing their personal form of contemplation. The more we tune into ourselves the more connected we feel to everything else.
Finally, consider music and numbers. Ancient mystics, such as Pythagoras, saw the mystical world as energy that needed to be harnessed and put into practical terms. Along with his followers, he devised the 1:2 ratio as the basis for musical scales that is now used for almost every musical instrument. By using numerical distances and vibrational harmonies he took potential energy and converted it into melodies. It’s similar to how the circle was used as the blueprint of the wheel, allowing us to convert energy into action. At its core mysticism is about the interconnection among all things, but in its physical manifestation it’s about converting unseen energy for physical use. So, the next time you rock out, go classical, take a yoga class, or drive to the store, remember that you’re engaging in activities connecting you with the underlying harmonies and universal resonances of mysticism.
Of course, we cannot live in Unity or with a constant sense of interconnectedness because our actual world is one of dualities. We have good/bad, right/left, male/female and countless more. Everything has an opposite pole. We are handicapped by division and spend our lives trying to find the balance point so we can live in harmony. So how do we go from Unity to Duality? That will be the topic of Part II; exploring the mystical advantage of polarities.
Five Minute Articles For Your ConsiderationDec 10th, 20133 comments
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About the Author
Larry Laveman, LCSW, BCD, is a Psychotherapist and Author in Solana Beach, California. His publications include topics on marriage counseling, supervision, mental health and spirituality. He is the former Chief Clinical Director for Harmonium, Inc., a community based nonprofit organization specializing in children, adolescents and families. You can find contact him via Google +, LinkedIn, or this website's contact page.
Very nice reminder! Hope the holidays are happy for you and family.
What a very nice introduction to the subject of Mysticism. You have a way with words and symbols. Looking forward to +/-.
Happy Winter Solstice to you and yours…
“The more we tune into ourselves the more connected we feel to everything else.”
What a fantastic statement.
Thank you.
Happy New Year Larry!